Year in Review

Hey Guys!!

I’ve totally flaked on my blog this week *I know*. I had the grand idea of participating in blogmas by even shortening it to 12 days and I still fell short. However, I’m here today to discuss my year, 2016.

What can I say about 2016?

I don’t think there’s any one word to describe it for it had its ups and downs. I feel like a lot happened this year pertaining to the world, but for me not so much *or maybe I’m downplaying myself a bit*.

At the beginning of the year I was very stressed/frustrated almost to the point of being depressed. It was my first month since graduating from university; it was then I realized I had no clue as to what next. In my head I thought it would all be simple in terms of securing a job after, but it’s not.

Posts relating to the phase I was going through:

What’s Your Purpose?
The Leap
Hope & Dreams

With the pressure of getting a job placed on me and still having to pay bills it was decided that I should move in with family. I was hesitant at first but I really had no choice (parents decision) and Texas just wasn’t happening for me. So April 4th 2016 I moved to the sunshine state, Florida.

I continued my job search securing an interview just two days after, I really felt lucky this time. However it fell through and I decided to try something else outside of my field (science), it was then that I was lucky and started a job in sales the very next day after that interview.

My overall mood began to change now that I had secured a job and was in a new environment. My friends even commented on the fact that I seem happier; I guess all the stress from before was gradually lifted.

Check out my Florida Adventures 

My new life in Florida soon got cut short due to situations back home, as much as I was disappointed I tried to remain positive. I moved back home in July and everything (my mood) seemed to reset to January. I was indeed happy to be home as I haven’t been since summer 2015, but after I was allowed to chill, party and enjoy my summer like I was on vacation reality set in.

Check out my Island Life Tab 

As I watched everyone else return to school for studies and all the summer activities calmed down I realized there was nothing left but my four walls at home and my bed. I believe at that point in time my mood was on a different level than being in Texas. It was more frustrating because the job application process wasn’t as easy as it is in America. As a result I was home for quite a few months, not even wanting to go out on weekends with friends. It wasn’t until November that I had secured a job as a Laboratory Analyst Intern; even though it’s temporary I’m making the best of it and hopefully they keep me longer.

Besides my two moves and finally getting a job I also turned 22 *Idk about you but I’m feeling twenty-twooo*. Look forward to a post next year about lessons learned at this age. Another biggie that happened towards the end of this year is……I BIG CHOPPED! Totally unplanned but I love it (Post coming soon).

Bye Bye Creamy Crack // Protective Style #1

As for my blog I made my first hundred followers, got to 1000 page views and also published more than 100 posts. I’d like to think that I’m on the right direction. Thank you to those who have stuck with me along the way.

This would be my first year of blogging “consistently”. There’s still much to improve on, but I continue to learn along the way. I was stressing about coming up with a blogging schedule all year, and they never worked out. However, I came up with two ideas that I hope to stick with in the upcoming year, #MondayMotivation and #FridayFaves.

As I go into the new year I welcome positive vibes, growth, change and all of the blessings waiting for me. I hope to continue on my island adventures and mission to inspire others through this blogging experience. It is with these goals that I look forward to growing my blogging community.

Check out my new logo for the upcoming year

What did you accomplish for 2016?
What did you love about my blog for this year?
Goals for the upcoming year?


Stay Tuned

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